The clients of Unibank, legal entities and unincorporated entrepreneurs, can become connected to the Internet Banking service using their AsanImza signatures now.
The usage of the AsanImza mobile e-signature affords many advantages in the usage of Internet Banking and one of them is an opportunity to enter a payment-related document in the banking system.
The AsanImza mobile signature is a mobile client - identification tool that is used when a client uses e-services or digital signatures. The AsanImza ensures for the maximally safe usage of e-services. The key strength of this technology is that neither extra software nor a smart card reader is required. The AsanImza enablesthe expansion of online banking services and creates considerable advantages. Particularly valuable may appear the convenience of authorization and signing documents electronically, high reliability and safety and the fact that the AsanImza isthe only legal mobile signature services provider according to the local law. The AsanImza mobile e-signature is a technology that turns your mobile phone into an e-ID and a tool to sign documents with. The clients in possession of the AsanImza gain access to the e-Government portal and more than 500 e-services of various kinds simultaneously. Consequently, the AsanImza mobile signature owners can use the Unibank Mobile app quickly, easily and, above all, absolutely safely. The Unibank Mobile banking app supported by iOS and Android provides its owner with any necessary information regarding their banking cards; it also supports any payment and allows account control.
So, what innovations are there in stock for the Internet Banking clients?
- Greater options in domestic and inter-bank transactions became more diverse and customized according to the individual needs of every client. Introduction of new functions, the possibility of makingseveral payments at the same time simplifies the work both of legal entities and unincorporated entrepreneurs.
- The ‘Government payments’ (SSPF/Taxes/Customs and others) menu is now easier to useю
- The ‘Azercell’ menu functions were streamlined and simplified.
- New options added to the ‘Salary transfers’ menu.
- A broad selection on authorization and identification.
- An added option to receive confirmed payments at any time.
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