State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance published annual report on its activity for 2018. The annual report reflects the innovations introduced in healthcare providers that are under supervision of Agency, results of a pilot project, medical statistics and work done in the field of mandatory health insurance (MHI).
It should be noted that the pilot project on implementation of MHI began in the city of Mingachevir and the Yevlakh district in January 1, 2017, while in Aghdash district the project was launched in February 16, 2018.
During the implementation period of project, insurance premiums were not imposed on population. In the reporting period, the number of insured in the pilot territories amounted to 340 thousand 600 people.
During the pilot project Agency took the necessary measures to achieve the goals set. The general wage fund of healthcare providers attached to the Agency has increased,material and technicalresources of health institutions, theirprovisionwith medicines and medical disposable products have been improved.
The results of the pilot project show that significant progress has been made in health care. Thelevel of satisfaction of medical personnel working in the central hospitals of Mingachevir city and Yevlakh districtwith working conditions and wages is is70% and 63%, respectively.
Insured persons and internally displaced persons living in pilot areas have been provided with free medical services included in the basic package, the financial burden of the population for medical expenses significantly reduced.As a result, the level of satisfaction and accessibility of medical services amounted to 87% and 77%, respectively (figures for Mingachevir and Yevlakh district are summarized) and 90% and 62%, respectively, in the Aghdash district.
Several measures were taken to optimize the activities of healthcare providers in the pilot areas. The average number of bed-days spent by patients decreased from 11.7 to 4.6 compared with 2016. Moreover, in 2018 the bed fund of medical service providers in the Aghdashdistrict was optimized, and the number of hospital beds decreased from 370 to 170.
In 2018, the number of visits to doctors in the pilot regions amounted to 1.1 million, 21,454patients discharged from hospitals, as well as 9,346surgeries were performed.
Last year, the number of visits to doctors increased by 27% compared with 2017. 60% of patient discharges and 74% of surgeries, accounted for Mingachevir city central hospital.
In general, 32,660.39 thousand manats were spent for financing health expenditures as part of the pilot project in 2018, of which 26,921.34 thousand manats were provided to health care providers (including primary health care) which are under supervision of Agency, 2 307.89manats for medical facilities working on a contractual basis with the Agency, which provided medical services covered by basic package of MHI and that are not available in the pilot territories, as well as the non-deductibleVAT and taxes returned to the state budgetamounted to3 431, 16 thousand manats.
During the reporting period, a number of innovations were introduced related to medical services in the pilot areas:
1.An electronic service called “Laboratory test results” was launched in the central hospitals of Mingachevir city and Yevlakh district. The service helps citizens to find out the results of laboratory tests via the internet, which saves their time and reduces paper use.
2. Transurethral endoscopic resection (TUR) and endoprosthetic surgery of bones are performed at the Mingachevir city central hospital.
The Aghdash district central hospital was equipped with computers and software program, and the activities of the medical facility were significantly electronized.
In addition, to enhance efficiency in the use of financial resources the primary health care service was reorganized,material and technical resourcesand infrastructure were improved, and the deductible amount was applied to insured who do not have a referral for secondary level of medical services.
The decree No. 418of December 20, 2018 signed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev “On a number of measures to ensure the use of mandatory health insurance in Azerbaijan” envisages theimplementation of mandatory health insurance across the country in 2020.
The report can be found on the official website of the Agency (
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