AccessBank opened new "Sabirabad" branch |


The Bank opened another regional branch

 In order to become closer to customers and provide convenient service for them АccessBank opened a new branch in Sabirabad at the address of 35 H.Aliyev avenue. In Sabirabad branch which is designed in modern style the clients will be served by the qualified and experienced staff of the Bank.

The new branch offers to individuals and legal entities full range of banking services including cash and settlement services, money transfers, loans on favorable terms, deposits, payment cards, currency exchange, utility payments, etc.

Rolf Reichardt, Chairman of the Management Board of "AccessBank" noted that the purpose of opening of the new branch is providing a better and more efficient customer service considering the potential of Sabirabad and the neighboring regions.

The detailed information is avaliable at the Bank's offiicial website,  facebook and twitter pages as well as Contact Center (151).